Home > Blossary: Videogame Anatomy
A guide to the aspects within videogames at a consumer level, from genres to menu items.

Category: Entertainment

9 Terms

Created by: Manadono

Number of Blossarys: 4

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QTE je série lisy časované tlačítko nebo stisknutí kláves, obvykle v čase s pre-uspořádány scéně, nebo v reakci na ve hře artefakty (jsou přepadeni, popadl, střílel na atd). Může být použit zatímco ...

Domain: Entertainment; Category: Games

Player-character is the term used to refer to the player's in-game avatar. Although its use has declined since the 2010's, it was most probably popularised by a translation mistake from Japanese ...

Domain: Video games; Category: General gaming

Non player-character describes any character entity aside from the player. This includes hostile NPCs, more commonly referred to as mobs, and friendly NPCs like townspeople and computer security ...

Domain: Video games; Category: General gaming

Mobile, or mob, describes a non player-character entity with the power to move under its own volition, although the term mob is usually used to describe hostile entity. The term mob also implies ...

Domain: Video games; Category: General gaming

The cursor is the on-screen artifact used to show which item in a menu or list is currently being targetted. This may be an arrow, a hand or even a Megaman. Many early games simply highlighted ...

Domain: Video games; Category: General gaming

The inventory is the in-game space where items owned by the player are stored for on-hand use. Inventories may be limited by item size (Diablo, Dungeon Siege), weight (Fallout, The Elder Scrolls) or ...

Domain: Entertainment; Category: Games

A QTE is a series of timed button presses or keystrokes usually in time with a pre-arranged scene, or in response to in-game artefacts (being ambushed, grabbed, shot at etc). While QTEs may be ...

Domain: Entertainment; Category: Games

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